In business can you “Do hard things.”

In business can you “Do hard things.”  What I mean by this is different from what you might think.  So let me give you some examples of what I mean by doing hard things.


  • Going against peer pressure
  • Doing the things that are right even when everyone else is doing what you know to be wrong.
  • Standing up for someone who can not do it for them self.
  • Working hard when everyone else is having a good time.

These are hard things to do, but they help you to become a good leader, person and friend. They will also get you to where you want to be without the need to ….

  • step on others  as you make your way to the top.
  • Do things that you know are wrong and say that is how business is done now.
  • Hurting others that can not help them self.

There are three kinds of people….

  • The well poisoners – those that are very negative about everything.
  • The lawn mowers – those that take care of only them self and no one else. And last
  • The life enrichers – they go out of their way to help others in any way that they can. They add something to every person that they come in contact with, in small and big ways.

I want to be a life enricher, how about you?

Here are two quotes that I thing are great to help others on the way to success.

” The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it.”                Debbi Fields


“There is no royal, flower strewn path to success. And if there is, I have not found it. For if I have accomplished anything in life it is because I have been willing to work hard.”           C.J. Walker


Now go forward make the best out of your business, your life,  and may the good come into your life as well as the hard times. The hard time makes us stronger and better able to take on the challenges that will come before you in the future. With every challenge that comes your way you will get stronger to meet that challenge and the one that comes after that.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

What is your DREAM, is it coming true?

What is your DREAM, is it coming true? Is it only in your head and not on paper. If it is only in your head than it will stay a dream. If it is on paper in as great of detail as you can get it. You can make it come true. You are always thinking about it and how you can get it done.


When I started this it was for an auto so let’s go through it to see how it should be done to get your dreams to come true. This is the one that I wanted for my business.


I could not find a used one of these but I found a ford that is close to this and it works great for my business.

Lets say that you want an auto. Start by figuring out….

The make/ model that you want

Color inside and out

Do you want all the bells and whistles or something less.

Sun roof or not

Do you need something big enough to toe something or not.

New or used

Go take a test drive see if you really like it ( do not buy the first one that you see, look until you find exactly what you want.)

Take a photo of you and this auto. That way in your mind you already have it and you will be able to find it.

It would be best if you could pay cash for it up front so as you are looking be saving and working toward your goal.

My next dream is to have one of these.



I can think about what I want it to look like by choosing colors, floor plans everything about it and make it mine. Do I make it myself or have someone help me with the building of it.

So what is your DREAMS, are you making them come true.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

You are thinking of starting a business…..

You are thinking of starting a business. There are three things that you really need to do.

  1. Define what it is that you want to do.
  2. Learn how to do what you want to do.
  3. Do it.

You want to be a plumber. That means that you have done the first thing on the list you have defined what you want to do. Now you need the knowledge to do what you want to do. So a trade school would be the best way to learn how to be a plumber. That takes care of number two.

Now is the time to decide do you want to work for someone else or own your own business.

If you want to own your own business. Do you work for someone else long enough to learn how to run a business than go out on your own. This way you can  save up money to start your own business, have the equipment that you would need in your business. You will have the knowledge and skill to do what you want to do and make it a success.

That just leaves the last thing on the list. To take the actions needed to make everything happen for yourself.  JUST DO IT.

Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

A budget for your business

It is a good thing to be able to keep track of what comes in and what goes out when it comes to the money in your business. If you do not than soon you will be out of business because your expenses are higher than your income. You are going in a hole that you might not be able to get out of and you are out of business.


If you are a small business you can get programs that help with this. I like Intuit / quick books. They are easy to use, secure (if you are doing it online).  If you have a budget for an Accountant than do it that way. They can help you to stay on track with your business.

This is a video on the budget and how to set one up and more.


You want your company to stay in business for some time to come. It is really needed to know where the money is coming from and going to so that you can make adjustments to the budget as needed. Stay on top of it or find someone who can help you to stay on top of it. This way you will be able to grow and move forward from year to year.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

If you want more money, you need to change…..

If you want more money you need to change the way that you think of money.


Here are 10 ways that people commonly think about money.

1. It is a mystery – they do not understand how to get more it and keep it.

2. It is the master – they are in bondage to money

3. Things have gotten so bad that money is now a Monster – it is all that they can think about and how they can get more because what they have is not enough.

4. It is a major part of your thinking – too much value is put on money and getting it. More important things are gotten rid of like honesty, goodness, kindness.

5. It is a manipulator – you use money to get whatever you want by pay offs, bribes, paying others to do bad things to others.

6. It is a minimizer – it makes you complacent and you quit working hard.

7. It is a maximizer – you use it to help others by the money that you give to others.

8. It use it to make a monument to yourself – your fancy cars, house and other things. You flaunt your money before others.

9. It is a motivation – it can be for selfish or selfless reasons.

10. It can be a menace in your life to have money – feeds your addictions whatever they may be, shopping,drugs, alcohol, food and so on.


Money can be a means to do good or bad in your life and in the life of those around you. How do you choose to use money? It is a tool that should be used with wisdom. If you have never learned how to get money,keep money, and use money with wisdom. Then how do you get any better at it?

Where are you on the list above? You may have moved through some of them. Maybe you are stuck in one of them. Most of them are not good places to be in.

How do you get educated in the ways of money so that you can earn more, keep more and make a better life for yourself and those around you?

We like this book  – The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason             I found mine on Amozon . I you get it on cds you can learn as you drive. That is how I do it.

Listen to Dave Ramsey on the radio or videos on You Tub.

The Life program has some great information on money.

These are just a few of the good places to get great information on these things.

Choose good learning places and start making a difference in your life and the next generation as well. If you do not start you will never make the changes to make your life better.

Most people think that if they can “afford the payments” they should get something right now. That just means that you are renting it for the amount of time that the loan is for and you end up paying a lot more for it in the first place. Try not paying your payments and see how long you still have it.

The wise use of money can be for your business or your personal life. Learning more about it is a life long thing.

You earn money somehow by a job or your business, but if you spend every dime you make and sometimes more than you make ( credit card, loans and on and on). What do you have to show for all your hard work. Nothing. But if you think to yourself “a part of what I make is mine to keep” and you put it away and do not spend it. Soon you will have a great deal to show for your hard work. 10% is a good place to start. As you get more you can keep more if you choose.

Start from where you are at and start making a difference in your life and that of your family.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

Using wise money practices in your business

Using wise money practices in your business and personal life makes a big difference with everything that you do. Who are the people that you are listening to  when it comes to money? Are they just as penny less as you are? Are you spending every dime that comes your way?


Business or personal money practices do make a difference to you and your family. So how do you make the changes that you need to make with the way that you deal with money?

1. Learn from those that have made the right choices with money.

2. Learn from books and cds that teach you how to handle money the right way if you do not know people personally that make good money choices.

If you do not have good money choices in your business, soon you are out of business and do not have money coming in any more.

This is something that we have to learn if we want to keep our business strong and growing. If you learn it for business you can learn it for your personal life as well.


This video talks about teaching children about money by Dave Ramsey. If it is business or personal life or how to teach our children about money he is a good person to listen to. He has some great points to learn from.



Learn how to have abundance in your life and keep it. It will grow your business and personal life as well.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

Peer to Peer lending, what is it all about?

We have just started looking into peer to peer lending for the reason of investing. These are the things that we would be interested in:


* Something that is as safe as possible. They are unsecured loans, not like a car loan, a loan for a house or a plot of land that you can take back and get your money back by selling those things.

* Some thing that is more short term, 1 to 5 years. I do not want my money tied up for long periods of time.

* We will be investing small amounts (like $25)  in a lot of different loans so that it is less of a loss if someone does not pay.

* We will be looking for those that high credit score. Others have trusted them to repay loans. So it is likely that we can expect them to repay us as well.

* We will look closely at what they want the money for: to start a business, consolidate debts, remodel the house. If they are starting a business do they have knowledge of that business that they would be a good risk to loan money to them and the business will be a success?

* We are looking for modest returns, they are safer than those of greater return. They are willing to give these return for the greater the risk of losing the money that you put into them. We would rather have the money returned than the risk of it being lost all together.

* The money that we get back will also be used to loan more to others that way the children and grandchildren of that money will also be put to work earning more money. Letting your money work for you not you working for your money.


If you want to learn more about peer to peer lending click here to learn more about the risks of peer to peer lending.  Lending Academy is a great place to learn about peer to peer lending. They also have a free ebook for those that are just starting out with this. Go here to get it.

These are website that do the peer to peer lending:

The Lending Club



More might be on the web, but these are the ones that we have been looking at.

Just a note: Not all State in The United States of America allow this so check it out to see if it is in your area before you get started in it.


If you are in need of a loan or you would like to invest this might be a way to do just that. Be wise in your loans that you take and your investing. For your business or personal use.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

5 Laws of money…..

If you can put these laws to work for you can learn to make money work for you not you work for your money.


You can start from the place that you are in right now and it will change your life for the better if you put these things to work for you.

So here are the 5 Laws of money.

1. Money comes gladly and in increasing quantity to any man/woman who will put by no less than 10% of the earnings to create an estate for them self and that of their family.

2. Money works diligently for its wise owner that finds for it profitable employment that it will keep multiplying even as the flocks of the fields.

3. Money clings to the cautious owner who invests it with the advise of men that are wise and skilled in the handling of money.

4. Money slips away from the owner that invests it in businesses or purposes with which they are not knowledgeable about or not approved by those skilled in handling money.

5. Money flees the man/woman who forces it to impossible earnings or who follows the alluring advice of tricksters and schemers or trusts it to their own inexperience or romantic desires in investment.


These are easy laws to understand and put into use. You can start this at any age but it is better to start this when you are young and you can become wealthy.


If you remember this statement….

” A part of all that you earn is yours to keep.” That would be the 10% that you put away for yourself in law number 1.  If you do not do this than you are working only for the clothes maker, shoe maker, food, housing and everything else that you spend your money on and then what do you have to show for what you earn. Things that are quickly gone and you have nothing.


If you are in business or work for someone else it is the same. These rules work for your business or person money dealings.

Learn to have your money work for you. Do not forget to have the children and grandchildren of that money work for you as well and it will grow very quickly. Make it your slave. It is glad to work for you. But be mindful of the trickster that are out in the world that would like to take your hard-earned money from you.

Go to a herds man if you want to know about the flocks in the field. The farmer if you want to know about the things that grow in the ground and so on. Learn from those that know how it is done they will gladly give advice about the skill that they have.

What skills do you have? How can you put these things to work for you? Can you learn more to earn more?


Learn these laws and make your money work for you. You will much better off if you do.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

Creating a website with weebly

If you are needing a website and you do not have a the skills to do that, than using weebly is a good way to do just that. The thing that you need to know is how to drag and drop things that you want to do into the website that you are making.


You can buy a domain name or have weebly host it for you.

Here are some of the places that host websites for you to get a domain name.

The one that I like best is

Network solutions

Here are a few more if you would like to check it out and compare them to see what one you would like best.

Host Gator

Go Daddy

You pay for this by the year, but you can get it for longer time frames 2 years or more. You will need to pay again when that amount of time is up.


Think of several really good names in case one is taken you already have thought up something else to use. Use key word in your name to make it easy for people to find you  ( something that tells people what you are doing.)

For example:

Sandy’s beauty salon ( beauty salon are the key words here.)


The place that I like to use is Weebly. It is free to get started if you want to do that. You can also upgrade it later  and pay a fee if you choose to later on.


The thing that you need to know how to do is drag and drop things into your website.

Here is a video that shows how to make a website.


You can create a



A store front

Or all of them on one site with different pages to your website.

It is easy to use, easy to update it.

If you are just starting a business  with little money to spend this is a great way to get started. You can upgrade later if you choose to do that. Spend that money on getting your site known with ads and things so that people know that you are in business.


Have fun, be creative, enjoy making a website of your own the fun and easy way.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”


Keeping your business finances healthy.

Just like your personal finances, if you have a business you need to keep your business finances healthy as well. This is the best rule to follow.

Save 1/10 of all that your company earns. This way you can use it that you can invest it so that it will earn for you even more. The children and grandchildren of this money will also earn for you and make you more money. Make this money your slave to work for you and you will always have a stream of money coming in to your accounts.

Pay off debts with 2/10 of your company earnings. When the debts are paid off use this money to expand your business without going into debt.

Use no more than 7/10 to run your business.

This means that you will always have money in the bank. That you will never over extend your self in your business.


If you are wise in the dealing with the money that comes into your business, you will always have a business that is growing and expanding. You will have a better chance of changing with the times.

Money flows to those that have money. You will always have different opportunities come your way. Be ready for them and do not delay on acting on them. For it never waits, it will be gone.

This same rule can be used in your personal finances as well to grow your wealth.


Do not let this information slip by because it looks to easy to make a difference. The things that work are always the simple things.

1. Do not spend more than your earn.

2. Make your money work for you by making wise investments. But do not try to get an earning that is really high in return. You know the saying “if it sounds to good to be true, it usually is too good to be true.” Think safety first for your hard-earned money or you will lose your fortune. (With so many people out there wanting to have your money that you are working so hard for, do not fall prey to the scams that they are putting out.)

3. Have a budget so that you can stop the leaks before it get really bad and it bankrupts the business.

4. Bigger and better things are on the way you just have to be ready for them when they come.

These thing can work for your business or personal finances. Remember that  some of what you bring in is yours to keep. So put away that 1/10 of what you bring in and you will always have a healthy business or personal finances.


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Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

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