You are thinking of starting a business…..

You are thinking of starting a business. There are three things that you really need to do.

  1. Define what it is that you want to do.
  2. Learn how to do what you want to do.
  3. Do it.

You want to be a plumber. That means that you have done the first thing on the list you have defined what you want to do. Now you need the knowledge to do what you want to do. So a trade school would be the best way to learn how to be a plumber. That takes care of number two.

Now is the time to decide do you want to work for someone else or own your own business.

If you want to own your own business. Do you work for someone else long enough to learn how to run a business than go out on your own. This way you can  save up money to start your own business, have the equipment that you would need in your business. You will have the knowledge and skill to do what you want to do and make it a success.

That just leaves the last thing on the list. To take the actions needed to make everything happen for yourself.  JUST DO IT.

Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

Gaining trust for your business.

Gaining trust for your business takes time and effort on your part. If a customer chooses to give you trust. There are three things that you can never do if you want to keep that trust.

* Lie

* Cheat

* Steal

If a customer feel that you have done any of these things to them you will never get them back as a customer again. Not just that but they will tell others that you did these kinds of things and that gets around very quickly and you lose business.

They are giving you trust that you will give them a great product or service. If you do not do that you will not get them back again at all.

Your customer needs to know you, like you and trust you to do business with you. If you lose these things you lose that customer.

In this video it talks about building trust. Check it out.

If you do a good job on this you also get good word of mouth advertizing. This is the best thing that you can ask for. It means that people a talking good about you and your business. They are telling others about your business as well.

If you are willing to do anything to get where you want to be and that means that you are going to Lie, Cheat and Steal. You will not keep the trust of the customers. You will have to work even harder to get customers in the first place. Is it worth working a lot harder to get to the place that you want to be at.

Work smarter not harder. If you help enough people get what they want you will get what you want a lot faster.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

Check out the great webinar…

The largest MLM launch of 2015 and beyond is just

around the corner.

I know.. bold claim, so please hear me out. is the very first Unlimited Space

cloud backup service that will be paying 100% commissions!

This is coming at just the right time:

In 2011 only 7% of people were using online backup

In 2015 that is expected to be 36% by the end of the year!!

All of us at one time or another have lost:

financial records or documents

precious pictures and memories

had a personal compute crash or stolen

In the past… we have been used to using external hard drives.

But they are not reliable either, they can:

fail and are non redundant

their lifespan is 2 to 3 years

they too get lost or stolen

they are not AUTOMATED so people forget to backup

This opportunity is going to take the Network marketing community

and the world by storm!


Gotbackup is the first truly automated “set and forget for life” online

backup system that:

Provides Unlimited space to backup EVERYTHING

Set it up once backup automatically (forget about it after)

Access your files anytime and anywhere in the world. Even on

your mobile device

Share your files or pictures instantly with anyone!

Fully redundant where we back your files up to multiple

data centers!

Fully 256 bit encryption, as secure as your online banking!!

So look:

We are having a Pre Launch webinar this coming

Saturday February 7th 2015 at 11am Eastern.

On this webinar you will:

learn all about this amazing opportunity

if this opportunity is for you, you will be able to lock in before

anyone else!! Before we go live!

Take two seconds and register now for the live webinar using the link below!

click here

I will see you Saturday, February 7th 2015 at 11am Eastern!

Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

PS. Look forward to seeing you at the webinar.

Look forward and make it fun….

If you are in business and it is not fun to you than you are in the wrong place. If you like what you do than it is not work at all and time passes very quickly.  If it is work and you do not like it you will have a hard time being there. You are just existing and getting by. You are not enjoying life. You spend a lot of time a day doing what you do. It makes it that much harder when you do not like what you are doing in the first place.


So How do you find a place that you will like what you are doing?

Look at the things that interest you. Can you make that into something that will make you money and a living.

Do you like reading- take a look at the publishing side of that can you do something in that field to make a living.

Do you like making things, there are all different ways that you can put that into making a living.

Do you like cooking or baking – could you do that for a living.

Do you like cleaning or organizing things – this can be a living for you and you could have your own business at it as well.

Do you like sewing – can you make things or others to earn a living.

Fixing cars or other things is a way to earn a living.

Teaching these things to others could also be a way to earn a living.


You could do the things that interest you part-time and them work your way to making it full-time.


Are you willing to let your dreams pass you by because you are stuck in a rut and can not get out of it. Work on your dreams and let them come true. Find a way to make that dream come true. Start a business of your own. It might be small to start out but it can grow. Do not let your dreams die. Work at them. Think outside the box. Think of different ways that you can use the talent that you have to get to where you want to be.


Work hard, do not let other people saying “you will never make a go of it” stand in your way. Prove them wrong. That is the best way to get revenge on those that want you to fail.


I really like this saying and it help me to get through a lot of things. “Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.” If you believe, it will happen.

Sometime bad things happen first and you can make great things out of what is left.

I lost my job, I could not find another one. That is when I thought that I would start a business. I have been working that business for almost 4 years now. It is going strong. I like what I do and I am helping others as well.

So I say to you are you going to let your dreams die or are you going to live for the dream and make them come true? Think outside the box and find that thing that you really want to do. Put your own twist on it and make it yours.

I say go for it. It is your time to shine and “always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.”

Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”


5 things that will help you make your dreams come true…

No matter what you are trying to get done, in all areas of your life. These things will help you along the way if you just remember them and put them into use.

No matter what you do you come across people who say “you will never do that and make it work.”  These kind of people are not your friends. Limit being around them.

Just remember that these kinds of people want you to fail so that they can say that “they told you so.”

* Make that something that gives you motivation to help you through the hard times. Think to yourself “Some people want me to fail, but I will not let them win….. I will win, I will keep moving forward and get to my goal or die trying.” That means finishing what you have started. Do It.

* If you control your thought your body will follow. Like in the book “Lone survivor” all the other people who were fighting with him died. He told his mind to keep going and his body followed and he did survive and came home to tell his story.  It can be with sports that we are doing that we tell ourselves to keep going and the body follow even when we do not think that we can go on. The mind can do great things. But we have to train it to do those things that help us to keep going and moving forward.  It is always easy to give in, it is not as easy to keep moving and going.


* If the goal seems to big, break it down to small bite sized pieces. If you are running,biking, swimming  a race like the “Iron man”  it could be too much. If you set small goal like ” I need to get past the first five-mile,the next five miles until you have done all the race and at the finish line they tell you ” (your name here) YOU ARE AN IRON MAN”. If you have to do one step at a time do it that way. One minute, hour, day month, year, take it a little at a time. You will get where you want to be. If you need to go back to the first tip to keep you moving do it…. some people do not want you to win.  Win just to get back at them. Keep moving forward.


* Do not try to do it all alone. Have people who are around you that can support you and help you along the way. Stay away from the ones that will pull you down and tell you that you can not do it. Find people who will uplift you and tell you that you can do it. They are the ones that will help you get were you want to be. Keep them by your side and you will get were you want to go and more. The video below happened in my area. It took a lot of people to help that young man get out from under that can. Would you have been there to help? Maybe you could not be there to help him, but you can help and support your friends and family with the dreams and goals that they may have. Do your part and they will be there for you as well.

a.baa-PEOPLE-HELPING-PEOPLE-PEOPLE 01209 You-Dont-Need-A-Reason-To-Help-People

* Have a Big Fat Vision of were you want to get to. Set it high, something that makes you stretch to get to it. Keep working at it. When you have gotten to that point look out ahead of you again for another Big Fat Vision and keep moving forward. If you can not see that far just yet, than make it bite sized and run with it. When you have the bite done go for the next until you have reached your Big Fat Vision.

smart goal setting concept vision-goalsGoal  These will help you get to where you want to be. Go For It……


These are your 5 things that will help you get to any goal that you want to get to. Some people are going to try to block you and keep you from getting to your goal. Find a way around, over or through it to get to your goals. Because when it comes to getting your goals in life “(your name here) You Are An Iron Man.” Go for your goals and do not let anyone (including yourself) stop you. You will find a way to do what is in your sights. Go for it……….


Dan and Deanna”Marketing Unscrambled”

To grow your business you need these 4 words daily….

If you want to grow your business you need to get to know these 4 words and use them daily. What are these special words for your clients “Make Me Feel Important”

If your clients do not feel that they are important to you than will not feel the need to stay your clients. It costs a lot less to keep a client that you already have than to always get new clients. It does not matter what kind of business that you have. If you are giving a service to people like carpet cleaning, house cleaning, window washing, fixing cars… these kinds of things. Or if you are selling things to others like clothes, shoes, food … anything that they may need.

If people feel that all that they are to you is a $ sign on them and nothing more they will not be around long. So how do you change it and “make them feel important.” You can start out by doing these things…

* Have good customer service to help them with problems that they may be having.

* Meet the needs that they have.

* Over deliver on your promises.

* Be honest in your dealings with them.

* Do the best job that you can for them.


These are just a few way, I know that you can think of a lot more I am sure. People will be back when you treat them right, fair and honestly. They will also tell others of the great way that they were treated by you. But the other way is also true, they will tell people faster if you treat them bad.  Word really does get around fast and faster if you treat them bad. It is harder to always do damage control than to do things right the first time around.

Do your very best for your client by doing these 4 words “Make Me Feel Important.” It will take your business a long way and keep it growing.

Leave your comment on the ways that you help your clients feel important.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

What is the treasure hunt?

What is the treasure hunt?

When it comes to business you need to know a lot about people. So you need good people skills. You have to have your heart right about why you are in business. If it is only for:

* Money

* Power

* Gain

Your heart is not in the right place and you will justify any action to get what you want, even if it hurts others to get it.

Or is it for:

* Giving people the best service or product that you can.

*  The more you help others also helps you to get where you want to be.

Your heart is in the right place, the ends do not justify the means.

So you ask “what is the treasure hunt.”

It is for you to be the best at finding the treasure inside every person that you meet. Everyone has good qualities about them. You have to search harder with some people more than others. But you can find it. Are you up to the challenge to find all the good thing about everyone that you meet?

abraham-lincoln-statue  President Abraham Lincoln was in a meeting with an other political person. That man left in a huff.  President Lincoln said to one of his aids ” I do not like that man, I will have to get to know him better.”

He was to go on a treasure hunt to find what was good about that man  and getting to know him better would help him to do just that.

If you are in business you need to be able to find out what people are good at and help them to improve in those areas and grow in areas that they might not be so strong at but they also have the ability to do.  This goes for everyone that you meet. If they work for you, are your customer or client, family or friend. Find the good in all of them. You just might find your next best friend, business partner, client. Find that treasure within all that you come across. Your life will be greatly blessed by those that you find the treasures in. That can be a lot better than anything else. You will be the richest person because you know how to find those hidden treasures in other people. That can help you out in all kinds of ways. You would be so thankful that you found those hidden gems in that other person. Just keep looking and you will find them.


Good luck on your treasure hunt. It will help you in ways that you will not believe.


Let us know how your treasure hunt is going. Leave a comment.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”



First impression, lasting impression what one do you want for your business?

First impression or lasting impression. What do you want for your business?


Lets talk about what they are and why you might want one over the other.


First impression – this might come by what you see of something on the outside.

* The way someone acts

* The way that they dress

* The way that someone talks

* The way that you think that they are going to be.


Lasting impression – might be really different from how things really are.

* People might be shy or way to outgoing.

* People might not be honest with you.

*  People could have bad people skills.


You can get it wrong with a first impression, but a lasting impression is something that comes with time and being around someone.

abraham-lincoln-statueAbraham Lincoln  was having a meeting with someone. That person left in a huff. Lincoln turned to his aid and said “I do not like that man, I am going to have to get to know him better.”

This was a first impression. Abraham Lincoln wanted a lasting impression.

How does this relate to business. People might think this is a good person at first and come to find out that all they wanted was the money so they scam people, give a bad product or service. Word gets around and more people find out that they have done these things and the lasting impression is that they do not want anything to do with that person or business.

So it is better to be honest with people, give a good service and products. You know the saying “over deliver on what you promise.”

You want that lasting impression. If you give a good service, products and are honest in your dealings with others. You will have people coming back to you for more services and products. They will be there for a long time. If you are not honest or give a bad service or product they will be there one time and gone for ever. When word gets around there will not be new people buying any more and everything is lost. Is it worth that? I say no. If that business wants to stay in business. It costs a lot more to get a new person than it does to keep the people who are already with you.

Make lasting impressions, business will grow and you will prosper as well.

Please leave a comment. Let us know what you would rather have a first impression or a lasting one.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

The Illusion of Safety is that what you are living?

Are you living in the Illusion of safety?
You know.. the story your parents gave you?


Get a good job though a good education is gone
and has been for years… it is a completely obsolete
idea.. it is DEAD!!


The only safety you have is to acquire the skills
to create your own “wealth” seriously, learn
how to be an entrepreneur.


For the first time in our histories economy our
children will NOT do as well as us , or our parents!



Here are some harsh facts about today’s very broken


  1. Thanks to good old Sally Mae..

    Over a Trillion dollars in student debt that has to
    be paid back. Today’s college grads come out of school
    up to $100 000 or more in debt and take 20 years
    to pay it back.000_A_student_pulling_debt.png

  2. We are part of the working poor!

    >> a house hold income of $50 000 is the middle class
    >> to be in the top 25% you need to make $90 000 per
    >> top 10% is $140 000 per household
    >> top 5% $190 000
    >> top 1% $360 000


The middle class today is the working poor. In fact those in the middle
class by the age of 65 will have no more and probably less
than $45 000 in total assets!!


YES… $45 000 or less to your name by age 65!


What does that mean? It means everyone is working just to
“get by” and that is if they are lucky!




So look…


This is the last chance to become your own entrepreneur and
start your own business for $1.00!!


Take action now, become part of the 1% most wealthy, take control of your future for $1.00 just click here!

Do it now before it is gone. Click the link above to get started.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

What are you willing to do to get the results that you want in business?

Are you willing to work a little harder. Talk to more people about your business. Well I found this video that shows what just a little more effort can do to help your business.

I am not talking about bad things, things that are against the law or that will hurt other people. These kinds of things do not help anyone at all and that includes you.

10 % more can make a big difference in everything that you are doing.

Learn more things that you can put into practice.

Teach others how they can do the same and they will come back to you for more information, over and over again.

Help others to move forward as well.


Let’s go into these a little bit more.

Learning from

Books, videos, cd’s call all teach you things. They do not tell you that you can not do the thing that you want to get done. You have to remember to than put them into action after you have learned them or it does you no good at all.

Teaching others

You can be a mentor to others and they learn faster and without all the road blocks that you might have had to go through. If you have given them a good service they will come back to you for other things as well.

Helping others

This could be things like joint ventures. You help them they help you. You are working together to grow your business. Helping others to move forward also helps you to move forward.

Just a little can go a long way. To help you get to where you want to be.  So are you willing to give that little bit more to help you to get to where you want to be.

Are you willing to give up the tv for an hour to get the results that  you are looking for?

Let us know how you are moving forward in these ways to help your self and other to move forward.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

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Twin Pines Family of Companies Blog

Twin Pines is a quality, customer-service oriented home improvement contractor in the MetroWest Massachusetts area.

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